ACT For Therapy
The "Act Therapy Project" which has been developed by our team has as a main theme the use of drama therapy to improve the mental health of vulnerable groups. Specifically, it seeks the liberation, emotional expression and relief of individuals from social, mental and psychological issues through theater education. Drama therapy, which uniquely combines theater and movement, is an alternative and complementary therapy in relation to the restoration of mental health, helping people to identify and approach in different ways issues and problematic situations of their lives and to deal effectively their pending issues. Through the alternative method of drama therapy, individuals are given the opportunity to create, to externalize feelings and thoughts, to unlock their body and soul by expressing their feelings and thoughts during the exercise and afterwards.
Through the experiential workshops our team seeks:
-improving mental health by bringing mental and emotional balance to individuals
-the best management of emotions
-reduction of depressive symptoms
-increasing the sense of purpose in life
-the strengthening of communication and closeness with the surrounding environment
-the acquisition of self-control
-the empowerment for active participation in social events and personal activities
-gaining trust in society as participants will realize that society cares about its citizens and intervenes therapeutically in order to create healthier and more balanced citizens and promote positive social change
The "ART Therapy Project" is going to implement the following activities in order to achieve the expected results:
- Workshops for the team members from the project Coach in order to educate us on issues related to project management, budget management, the use of Youthpass, the importance of contact with the natural environment in improving the mental health of people, the use of theatrical play and movement in the development of mental health
-Implementation of four activities including theatrical games, workshops for people from vulnerable groups having as a common feature mental health problems and disorders
-Reflection activities after each main activity on the basis of non-formal learning. A different activity will be selected each time in order to learn participants feeling, thoughts, opinions, vies related to participation during the theatrical workshops and games
-Preparation and realization of a small theatrical performance by the participants of the project which is expected to be repeated after the completion of the project
-Workshops entitled "The Importance of theatrical play and movement in mental health" citizens in our local community in order to recognize the importance of alternative methods such as drama therapy, in improving the mental health of individuals.