Geocaching - Hiking
The municipality of Larnaca in cooperation with the non-governmental organization ‘Active Zone Outdoor’ have organized on September 25 2021 a hiking and geocaching event at Larnaka Salt lake trail under the European Week of Sports 2021. Geocaching is an international hidden treasure game which combines a team spirit and educational aspects through the discovering of caches. Participants were asked to download the geocaching app which has a GPS navigation and exact description for each treasure or use a printed map that our organization provided to the group, in order to orientate themselves to find the hidden boxes. During the activity, as soon as a cache was found, our members had to write down on a paper, their names, date and time that the treasure was found as an indication that finally have reached the goal. Geocaching is an exemplary activity to explore places and areas in Larnaca, in an adventurous and educational way.