Clip and Grow Project
The sport activity under the title “CLIP AND GROW PROJECT” is a Youth Initiatives Project, funded by the Youth Board of Cyprus, which Active Zone Outdoor is organizing and is related to the sport of rock climbing, The project aims to offer to young people the unique opportunity and experience to become familiar with a non-popular outdoor sport. Through their active participation, young people will improve their physical and mental health and will cultivate skills and attitudes for their personal development. The project will engage 40 participants, 15 of them will belong to the category of young people with fewer opportunities. The activity program will include workshops focusing on the benefits of rock climbing and the development of motor skills and practical experience on the rock. In addition, the workshops will pay attention on attitudes development. The program will be coordinated by George Andreou a certified rock climbing coach and trainer with assisting staff under a safety and health security framework. The activity will take place on March 6, 2021, at Petra ton Chasampoulion, at Diarizos Valley, in Paphos.
Striving to tackle the obstacles that create difficulties for youth to be engaged in the sport of rock climbing the project aims to achieve the following objectives:
-provide practical experience in the sport of rock climbing
-cultivate and develop skills for better physical and mental health of youth
-promote alternative sports
-offer enjoyment through sports
-interaction with physical environment
-provide information about Youth Initiatives Program of the Cyprus Youth Board
The activity includes 3 different workshops and one practical experience session on the rock and will last 8 hours. The first workshop is related to team building activities that build trust among participants. The second workshop has more practical character since it aims to train participants about how to use the rock climbing equipment and provide knowledge about safety measures during the activity. The third part is devoted to exercise rock climbing, applying all the skills previously learned and to take the role of belayer and back-up. Finally, during the last workshop, the group will discuss about fear factor and how rock climbing builds resilience.